Lars Weigel is new Managing Director of WindGuard Certification GmbH

Ambitious plans for further expansion of accredited certification service provider

Varel, 2021-04-22: Lars Weigel is the new Managing Director of WindGuard Certification GmbH. The 54-year-old Diplom-Ingenieur aims to make the company, which specialises in certification services in the field of renewable energies and is headquartered in Varel, Germany, fit for the challenges of the future’s complex energy market.

Lars Weigel was appointed successor of Frank Weise in April, who returned to his home region for family reasons after five years as Managing Director of WindGuard Certification.

Lars Weigel is new Managing Director of WindGuard Certification GmbH. The 54-year-old Diplom-Ingenieur was appointed successor of Frank Weise in April.

Photo: WindGuard Certification 

In addition to his degree in mechanical engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Lars Weigel brings to his new position extensive experience in the fields of certification, production and or-ganizational development, as well as from various professional stages in the wind industry. Among other achievements, he built up SGL Rotec GmbH & Co. KG to an internationally active company with over 700 employees and helped shape the national offshore wind energy network wab e. V. as a member of the board for many years. Most recently, he was responsible for the operating business of OWS Off-Shore Wind Solutions GmbH in Emden as the Chief Operating Officer.

“We are pleased to have with Lars Weigel such an experienced expert on board as the new Man-aging Director of WindGuard Certification”, the shareholders Dr. Knud Rehfeldt and Gerhard Gerdes agree, “with his know-how, he will align the WindGuard Group's independent, accredited certification body specifically to the needs of our customers and position it to meet the steadily growing national and international demands on the industry.”

To achieve this, Lars Weigel has set himself ambitious goals: “Besides the well-established fields of lifetime extension and electrical certification, I will particularly advance the development of our accredited test laboratory specialized in measuring the electrical properties of decentralized power generation units as well as the specialist areas of type and project certification - onshore and offshore. I look forward to working with the young, motivated team that, in recent years, has established good structures and a solid foundation for the further expansion of our activities.”

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About WindGuard Certification

WindGuard Certification is an independent DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065 accredited certification body for wind turbines and other renewable energies. Its comprehensive range of testing and certification services includes the certification of electrical properties, power generating units (PGU) and components as well as power generating plants (PGP), type and project certification, site specific design assessment (SSDA) and certification for lifetime extension. In addition, WindGuard Certification operates an accredited test laboratory in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Accredited services include measurements according to FGW TR 3, IEC 61400-21-1, Measnet, VDE 0214-100 as well as DIN EN 61000-4-30 and CEI 0-16. WindGuard Certification receives national and international recognition, is a member of IECRE and numerous expert committees for the development of certification and testing standards, and is recognized by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) as a certification body for offshore projects.

Your contacts:

Irene Burkert
Marketing Communications Manager
Phone: +49 4451 9515 272

Lars Weigel
Managing Director WindGuard Certification GmbH
Phone: +49 4451 9515 271

Copyright 2025: Deutsche WindGuard GmbH