Accredited Inspection Body
Expertise in all areas of technical inspections
Throughout their entire lifetime, your wind turbines are subject to regular inspection by authorised experts. Count on one of the most proven service providers in the industry: As one of the first companies worldwide, Deutsche WindGuard received accreditation as an inspection body for wind turbines from the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS – Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle) back in 2010 after almost a decade of experience in this area of expertise.
Ever since, we have continuously expanded our portfolio of inspection services and founded Deutsche WindGuard Inspection GmbH as an independently operating inspection body in 2021. With the new DAkkS accreditation as inspection body type A according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012, it is optimally positioned for the future. We thus guarantee you maximum independence and highest quality standards.
Our excellently qualified inspection team of around 20 own employees can additionally access a network of experienced cooperation partners if required. We are familiar with all facets of technical inspections and fully prepared for your project.
Annually, we inspect a total of around 800 wind turbines from all renowned manufacturers.
Onshore. Offshore. Worldwide.

Detailed information on our examination services is available via the individual menu items on this page (left in desktop view; top in mobile view).
Additionally safeguard your investment
You would like your wind energy project to be fully secure right from the start? Then take Deutsche WindGuard on board as a partner as early as possible.
Within manufacturing and installation supervision, we use our extensive technical know-how to ensure that all components meet the required quality standards and are installed correctly.
The commissioning inspection confirms whether you have completely received all contractually agreed deliveries and services. The inspection report can serve as a proof to pursue any upcoming supplemental claims against your contractual partners.
Extend the operating lifetime of your turbines
Fully exploit the economic potential of your wind turbine or wind farm and rely on certified continued operation after the design lifetime has expired.
Our affiliated company WindGuard Certification is a pioneer in this field and introduced the lifetime extension certificate as early as 2014. As an accredited certification body according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013, it is now among the market leaders with more than 1,200 lifetime extension assessments.
As an accredited inspection body, we will be pleased to perform the inspection of your turbines required as part of the lifetime extension certification. Profit from synergies and proximity within the WindGuard Group.
Information on our accreditation is available here >>>.