Deutsche WindGuard investigates offshore sites in the North Sea

BSH assignment for further meteorological reports
and multi-year reference time series

Varel, 2024-06-26: Deutsche WindGuard Consulting GmbH has received further assignments from the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie – BSH) as part of the preliminary investigation of new offshore wind farm sites in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. The testing and calibration laboratory from Varel, Germany, accredited by the German Accreditation Body (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle – DAkkS) in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, prepares, among other things, comprehensive reports on the meteorological conditions on areas N-13.1, N-13.2 and N-6.8 according to the site development plan dated 20 January 2023, which are scheduled for tender in 2026 and 2027. On behalf of the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur – BNetzA), the BSH conducts the centralised preliminary investigations of sites defined by the site development plan.

Following the publication of the reports on the meteorological conditions at the offshore sites N-9.1, N-9.2 and N-9.3 in the North Sea, Deutsche WindGuard has started working on the new assessments and reports commissioned by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH).

Photo: Deutsche WindGuard 

“We are very pleased that the BSH again counts on our extensive expertise and many years of experience in analysing wind conditions,” says Johannes Cordes, Project Coordinator and Deputy Head of Site & Energy Assessment at Deutsche WindGuard. “For the offshore sites N-9.1, N-9.2 and N-9.3, put out to tender by the German Federal Network Agency end of February 2024, we have already delivered corresponding reports, which the BSH published along with the invitation to tender. And we are currently working on the investigation of the meteorological conditions of the areas N-10.1 and N-10.2 scheduled for tender in 2025.”

In each case, part one of the contracted scope includes the concurrent review of the meteorological measurements performed by other contractors using floating LiDAR buoys. In the second part, the measurement data thus obtained serves the Energy Yield & Site Assessment expert team as a basis. “In order to reliably assess the wind potential, a correction of the measurement data is necessary, considering wake effects of neighbouring wind farms,” explains Johannes Cordes, “at Deutsche WindGuard we even go one step further: To take into account grid-related curtailments of nearby wind farms, we conduct a dynamic wake correction of each 10-minute measurement value based on different wake modelling approaches, which makes this correction more realistic and significantly more accurate. With the help of different correlation techniques, we then extrapolate the corrected data to a long-term reference for a period of at least ten years. Incorporating additional modelling data, we finally transfer the measured, corrected and long-term extrapolated wind conditions to the sites under investigation.”

“With regards to the respective auctions for the offshore wind farm sites by the German Federal Network Agency, our reports provide potential bidders with a reliable database for individual calculations,” summarises Martin Strack, Head of Site & Energy Assessment at Deutsche WindGuard. “I am particularly pleased that in addition to the wind potential analyses for new offshore sites, we have also been commissioned by BSH to compile a multi-year reference time series. Like a virtual met mast, it collates all previous measurement data and will therefore represent an important reference for North Sea wind conditions in the future.” This assignment is another excellent addition to the long-standing and broad-based collaboration between Deutsche WindGuard and the BSH.

Deutsche WindGuard – The Wind Professionals

Deutsche WindGuard is one of the leading independent service providers in the wind energy industry. As an accredited test and calibration laboratory, Deutsche WindGuard Consulting specialises, among other things, in wind turbine prototype tests, wind measurements, noise and shadow forecasts, energy yield and site assessments as well as LiDAR calibrations. Deutsche WindGuard offers all expert assessments for wind farm projects from one single source. Consulting services from Deutsche WindGuard feature synergy effects across numerous disciplines. Whether due diligence, market analysis, contract consulting or feasibility studies: all of them involve expertise and know-how from across Deutsche WindGuard. In a complex energy market, Deutsche WindGuard is committed to providing unbiased and manufacturer-independent consulting and comprehensive scientific, technical, and operational services. Deutsche WindGuard was founded in 2000. With the headquarters in Varel, Germany, and subsidiaries in Germany, the United States, China and India, it employs more than 200 experienced experts.

Your contacts:

Irene Burkert
Marketing Communications Manager
Phone: +49 4451 9515 272

Johannes Cordes
Deputy Head Site & Energy Assessment
Phone: +49 4451 9515 217

Copyright 2025: Deutsche WindGuard GmbH