End-of-Warranty Inspection

Secure your contractual warranty claims in time

The warranty period of your wind turbine is about to end? Then this is the critical point in time to notify the manufacturer and other contractual partners of any defects and to demand their remedy and an extension of the warranty, if applicable. Repairs due to damages not discovered in time can result in high costs. Therefore, have a careful inspection performed before the end of the warranty period.

With Deutsche WindGuard, you have a recognised and independent expert at your side for this specific task. Our accreditation as an inspection body type A according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS – Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle) gives you certainty of receiving an objective and conclusive inspection report. It serves as proof for you when dealing with the manufacturer of your wind turbine, should a defect notice become necessary.

Your wind turbine’s condition is critical

During the end-of-warranty inspection, we take a thorough look at your turbine and its components. As part of the inspection, we carefully check the stability and structural condition of tower and foundation, the condition of nacelle, machine and rotor blades, as well as the functionality of all devices that serve the safety of people and technology. We pay particular attention to any potential damage that may have occurred during production, transport or erection of the turbines. In addition, our scope of services also includes the thorough review of all documents, and we verify whether contractually agreed obligations have been adhered to.

On request, we also check components provided by project stakeholders other than the manufacturer. This includes, for example, modules subsequently installed on the wind turbine with potentially different warranty periods, but also accessible parts of the infrastructure.

Just as important as the technical condition of the turbine is for a quality check of any maintenance work performed during the first years of operation. This is because the manufacturer's warranty requires seamless maintenance by an authorised service company. In case we identify any discrepancies, this may result in claims against the service provider, which you should assert in due time.

Individual precautions for your wind turbine

Serious damage to the main components of wind turbines, associated with correspondingly large repair efforts and high costs, often announces itself at an early stage in the form of small anomalies.

As experts with many years of experience, we are familiar with the special characteristics of a wide range of turbine types and know exactly what to look out for. In addition to the regular inspection scope, we therefore recommend the following additional services:

  • Gearbox endoscopy
  • Punctual drive train measurement/offline condition monitoring
  • Lubricant analysis
  • Unbalance measurement
  • Blade eigenfrequency measurement
  • Blade angle measurement (by qualified partners)
  • Inspection according to German Statutory Accident Insurance (DGUV) regulation 3 (by our sister company WindGuard Certification)

Be on the safe side and commission us with the individual inspection services for your wind turbine tailored to your needs before the warranty period ends.

Information on our accreditation is available here >>>.

Copyright 2025: Deutsche WindGuard GmbH